ARC 2018 - Athens November 29
29 November 2018
Update from the Atlantic crossing and Athene
We are now in the fourth day at sea and the routines have begun to settle with guards, tasks and sailing. The day runs its course and we are now inside our own little bubble, blissfully unaware of the outside world. Has Sweden got a new government? What will be this year's Christmas present? Who won Idol? Nobody on Athene cares.
Here we talk about sailing, sailing memories (I wonder when they will end...), food and life. All surrounded by small practical details such as how to fold the toilet paper so it doesn't smudge the waste bag.
Before we set off we did a simple team building activity and to our delight the crew is a mix of personalities. We have blue for order and structure, red for competitiveness and achievement, yellow for cheerfulness and green for comfort and togetherness. This helps us in our communication and how we plan and carry out our tasks. And we have a better understanding of our strengths and weaknesses.
We are now down to the 22nd parallel and have caught the passade and it feels like we are on Alanten for real. Each watch has its joyful moment. On the second platform watch (18-20) you get to see the sun set into the sea. On the first watch (20-24), we see the moon rise and the starry vault meet us. On the dog watch (24-04), we sail under the stars and discuss life while watching Venus rise behind us. On the morning watch (04-08) we meet the dawn and sunrise. You can get religious for less.
We could tell you more about the sailing, courses, tactics, steering and sail setting but it must remain a secret as there is a risk that this will reach our dear sister boats More Grey and Solid White. We do not care how we do in the race, as long as we get ahead of them ....
Over and out,
Team @reboot on Athene