ARC blog 2019 - Day 6
18 November 2019

Good afternoon! My shift started at 6am this morning, immediately me and Frippe, one of the Finnish crew, put in our two fishing rods with lures. Before we even got the line out behind the boat, the line was stabbed twice, but nothing stuck. In with 200 meters of line, then it didn't take many minutes before it bit hard. The result was a bluefin tuna of about 7 kilos, and a lyrical crew, really fun morning pass. Unfortunately, the spinning reel thought that one fish per reel is enough so it went away, continued fishing with the Finns' own rod. Recently, there has been a lot of engine, a talk with the boat vakivaki on the vhfen confirm that they have also run a lot with engine and start to count on the diesel reserves, vakivaki has also talked over satellite with metereologists who believe in a slightly more southern route for a day to get safer wind then. Hopefully the wind will be as promised by the forecasts, which should take us straight to St. Lucia. The big circle, i.e. the closest route straight on, currently looks like a good plan if you can go through the bleach for the engine. We have a good atmosphere on board, but the lack of wind makes itself felt. We still haven't solved the gennackerfall problem, the sea is too big to go up with an angular cap in the top. Sent from Iridium Mail & Web.