The Atlantic blog: A celebration is in order
29 November 2015
30/11 Evening Position: 19°41´55″N 36°30´67″W
Even in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean we see signs of wildlife. So far, dolphins, birds, flying fish and a whale have been observed. However, Mikael Larsson is doubtful that these observations can be trusted and needs to have them confirmed. One of the flying fish has the misfortune to land in the middle of the deck, Larsson confirms the finding. Dolphins also appear again and Larsson is chased up on deck to get this confirmed as well.
The birds swarm around More55an and dive quickly to catch fish near the water surface. I have not seen the bird before but Jonathan says it is a "Gannet" which none of us have heard before. The flying fish shoots out of the water and hovers quickly above the surface, perhaps to avoid becoming a prey under the surface, but is unlucky to be caught by the bird who anticipates its flight in the air.
We have started fishing again. Conny is always ready at the rod for the next bite, the son wanted dad to catch a big fish and he is working hard to fulfill his wish. We had two bites yesterday, Conny is in the picture fighting something really big that unfortunately managed to get away. But we do not give up, in with the wobbler again and hope for the best.
(photo by: Mathias Edberg)