How to win a sailing race
24 January 2017

Read the Boysens' story of how they went on a treasure hunt at the Gothenburg Boat Show and won a week of sailing in Croatia.
In August 2016 I spent a fantastic week in Croatia with my husband Markus and our two children Wilma 10 years old and Viggo 7 years old on board the boat Champagne. We experienced this travel adventure together with my father-in-law Bengt and his wife Ewa.
This is my story and experience from our fantastic winning trip.
Thank you for everything!
Emelie Boysen
We had planned to go to the boat show. It was Sunday and the kids were not at all interested. But we were going, so maybe a little bribe would change their minds. My husband had read that there was a treasure hunt, where the top prize was a week of sailing in Croatia.
He sold the prize hard to the kids, as if we had already won or it was the easiest thing in the world to win. "Think how much fun it would be, we have always dreamed of it... Oh what fun we will have. Sailing in Croatia, wow how cool" etc. And as the sad, realistic mother, I tried to tone down this dream image.
"So there are thousands of children competing and it's almost impossible to win, but it's fun with a treasure hunt, you might win a key ring."
Sounds totally depressing compared to a sailing week, but I didn't want to disappoint them. Because who wins something like that? Do those prizes even exist in real life?! At least I have never heard of anyone who has won something to that extent.
In the end it was a successful Sunday at the boat show. Viggo (7 years) went dressed in his costume with fly and everything. We strolled around among all the nice boats, rafts, engines and fishing rods. Trying out new models and fantasizing about summer. The children happily collect their stickers in the various stands for the treasure hunt. Viggo got some comments & smiles for the costume.
When we were done, we sat down for coffee and filled in the last details before we could hand in the talons. As always, there was a knock-out question, here it was a tube with flirt balls.
"Maybe it's 100" said Viggo.
"No, it's much more - 680 maybe" I said.
The children carefully filled in their names and guessed the number. They also had to write what they most wanted to win out of about 10 different prizes and explain why. Wilma chose a rubber boat, Viggo a sailing week. His reasoning was as simple as it was obvious: Because it would be exciting to sleep on a boat. He had also changed my tip and wrote 688 bullets...?
Very happy, hopeful children with high profit expectations who handed their entries to the pirates on the spot! If only they knew how small the margin of victory was...
A few days after our visit to the Boat Show, I got a call from Jacob Ryder from there. He was the kind of cheeky super nice & approachable that salesmen often are (yes... I know, I work like that myself)... I'm sure he rolled his eyes while I politely answered his questions.
At that moment I had forgotten about the competition, so unlikely was a win for me.
I was at work with lots to do and completely convinced that he just wanted to sell me something as a visitor to the fair. Which, in a way, he did
He started asking questions about the treasure hunt, because it was true that we had competed?
And yes, it was!
You know what? he says, you have won! You have won the 1st prize!!!
A sailing week in Croatia with More Sailing!!!
That feeling! Stunned, happy, shocked and overwhelmed. You are joking was my counter question?
But no, he certainly did not.
With Viggo's answer, motivation and guess, we had won the highest prize, what we always dreamed of, a week of sailing!!!
Cheering, a little screaming and cheering later in the office landscape, I of course called Markus, then we cheered together.
Google in on More Sailing directly to see what we had to expect and realized that that dream would really become a reality.
There was bubbly and cheering at home that night, what a win!
Thank you Svenska Mässan!
Thank you More Sailing!
We will manage this win in the best way, be so sure, tjooohoo!!!
04.00 rang the bell = in the middle of the night.
Almost exactly an hour later we were on our way, the great adventure had begun.
Flew with a small airplane to small airport, and broke some kind of record. From when we left the plane, visited the toilet, passport control, got all 6 bags & met our driver it took about 15min! World class!!! So it should always be.
When we arrived at the marina, some paperwork followed, some documents were still flying in cyberspace so it took some time. Our boat was not ready, but we would return 2 hours later. Tired & a little hungry we went to the marina's only restaurant. No restaurant to base a longer review on, but we were satisfied for the moment.
Unfortunately, there was even more waiting after that. The boat was not ready & now we would wait until 17:00 instead. Had we known that right away, we would have left the marina for cozier hangouts & more fun food.
Anyway, it was a taxi to Primosten, super cozy little village just 5min away. There was a beach hangout, swimming & some drinks in the harbor. Top in every way, but it felt like we were still traveling... Not really arrived, but just did our utmost to pass the time and wait.
But finally it was time, the clock had passed 17 & our journey would finally begin, for real!
Met by new messages, again! Something happened to your boat, you have to change to "Champagne" instead. Appropriate name in any case.
After reviewing the boat (minus for empty gas can & damp towels) and some food shopping, it was finally time to throw off. Really great feeling to go out of the harbor on this (in our eyes there & then) giant sailboat that would be our home for the coming week.
We went back to Primosten, which was the idea from the start.
The time was closer to 19, it was a nice Saturday night, so the additional places were absent. After tips on placement from the harbor master, we dropped the anchor at the edge of the harbor. The wind was moderate, but the rocking... Heelt Galet! We found a decent place to anchor for the night.
When we had installed ourselves, it was time to launch the small boat (had to pump it a little first).
The kids & Markus would go to Primosten and pick up pizza, perfect 1st day food. But they did not reach more than 50m before the engine died! Of course things were not refueled... And the small oars we had left on board?! So Markus had to paddle with his hands back. Refuel in all the rocking & make a new attempt! With the oars in the right boat now ...
Incredibly beautiful environment & after sunset, the sky became almost red, but what it rocked... Terrified delight, what had we gotten into. This was not included in the dream picture of our idyllic vacation.
We had pasta as emergency provisions, but the children rejected it. So the fantastic father took the children again & went to buy pizza. It was pitch black before they were back. We had brought candles that we put on a small frying pan, but they blew out & needed the support of at least one person to not go overboard.
So we decided to eat in the lounge instead of outside. But even that was a challenge. The pizza was really good!
But Ewa felt bad, everyone was super tired, heavy rocking all the time took a little out of that taste experience. After handing out 3 postaphones, 3 whole pizzas down in the fridge (good lunch) toilet visits with lots of pumping, we finally crawled to bed. What a first day it was. Markus should definitely have a bravery medal for today's effort!
It took a while but eventually I fell asleep for the first time, in heavy rocking on a sailboat.
Everyone on board wakes up early, at 06.30 it is ready to sleep. Brilliant sun from a clear blue sky, the village of Primosten in front of us and all these sailboats bobbing in the morning light. Of course you have to go for a morning swim! And it really is - Absolutely lovely!
Fixes breakfast on board, the kitchen fix with minimal spaces does not really sit, but when the week is over I will be a master of it I think. Everything tastes better out & especially at sea!
We go in with the small boat & buy some essentials like beer, wine & more food.
Since not everyone can fit in things at the same time, we ladies take the opportunity to stroll on the quay, buy beach mattresses and ice cream for Wilma before we too are back on the boat and ready to throw off again.
According to the guys' calculation, we have 20 distance & about 4 hours of sailing ahead of us before we reach the next goal. The island of Solta, where we have been recommended a small bay called Sesula.
Will be a nice sail all the way. Viggo sleeps, Wilma reads, the guys bash over the rudder, course & beer while me & Ewa fry us in the sun. It is so beautiful and powerful. Not many pages are read in the book I have with me. Would be a waste not to enjoy what I see & experience in front of me. After a few hours at sea we stop & eat pizza. Perfect with leftovers when you are at sea, just as good today, although we chose to eat it cold.
It is so you have to pinch yourself in the arm sometimes, indescribable to lie on the boat and experience sailing here! Difficult to find a sunny spot. Not much wind so we had both sails & engine all the way.
The schedule was right so around 16 pm we slide into the bay. Get help with addition & a menu in hand. If we eat at the restaurant he represents, we lie here for free - taken!
Gets a little bath, swimming, dangling, nuts & drinks before the man who helped us earlier comes back to give us a ride the 25m that separates us from the restaurant.
Get a great table right on the water, eat super good food & enjoy another fantastic evening!
Finishes on the boat with some drinks, snacks & quiz where team E&B wins.
21.45 we are all completely exhausted & crawl into our cabins.
Lying with an open window and listening to all the buzz outside before I calmly & slowly rocked to sleep.
A really good day ends!
Sleep a little longer today, but start the morning just as luxuriously. Morning dip & swim.
Viggo hangs on paddling in things. Do what I can to memorize these beautiful environments, the experience, the sea, the scent, the tranquility, the luxury... to be able to pick up again chilly November evenings. It really is magically good!
We are stable between a giant catamaran & a slightly larger sailboat than ours. The sun is burning right on, if there is any wind, it will not reach us, so early on you feel that it will be a hot day.
After breakfast the guys set the course. We have about 18 distance & slightly shorter sailing than yesterday to expect. We hoist the sails and the last hour we have enough wind to turn off the engine. Almost reaches 5 knots at the end, otherwise about 4.5. Lovely to just hear the sound of the sea & waves... And the Croatian radio we have on of course. Can't decide if I think the music is disgusting or completely ok, but right here & now it fits really nicely. Enhances the Croatian experience
Prepares a culinary lunch on board, already feels that I have a better control of the kitchen. Will be sausage & pasta, as well as tuna, avocado & eggs for those (read Emelie) who prefer something else. Again yummy with food at sea.
Comes to Vis around 14 pm, just according to plan.
Takes course towards a beautiful natural harbor with turquoise water. The kids are lyrical & we cast anchor. Make a few attempts, but unfortunately it never sticks really well.
Make another attempt further out, but unfortunately just as difficult there. Decide to go around the bay where the harbor & Vis town is located.
Since we arrive early, it is no problem to find a free buoy. But still guessing that the supplementary beer tastes extra good when there was a little work.
Enjoying once again being in the middle of a lovely postcard environment. Incredibly beautiful here. Taking things in to land where there are showers and toilets. Feels great to wash my hair & smell good again.
When everyone is spruced up & freshly showered, we walk along the super cozy harbor promenade and Show City. The boats are lined up all the way, the sky is starting to turn a beautiful pink, and there is a wonderful pulse and constant buzz.
We sit down and enjoy a drink in the middle of the harbor promenade. Pay 84kuna for beer / wine / soda to 6p, just under 100kr. Perfect! Slip into a few shops along the way before we find a cozy restaurant with a menu that suits everyone. Eat well and then take us
slowly back towards the boat. Wilma buys some dounat-like balls with nutella and Markus gets a new pair of flip flops.
with a pair of new flip flops because his breaks when we leave... Sitting for a while on the boat and just enjoying,
summarizes the day, takes a drink, some snacks and is surprised by how wonderful we have it!
Another fantastic day is over. Really cozy place.
Ding dong, ding dong... It's 06.00 and the church bells are echoing all over the bay.
Apparently time to get up... But no one but me has been woken up. Sneaks up & goes up on the bridge. The thought of a morning swim quickly disappears when garbage, poop and other small & good things are bobbing in the water. I put on my training clothes instead. Bengt wakes up when I'm done so he drives me to the quay. A walk among the alleys in the old town (Kut) then the harbor promenade to a small fort. Works 5 sweaty km before I buy water, fruit & fresh bread.
Then we move on directly, back to the turquoise bay, where there will be a bath, long breakfast & a trip into the old submarine cave. The anchor attaches perfectly right away this time. Really fantastic to swim in this water.
After a couple of hours we move on to the Pakleni islands, off Hvar. No more than 8 distance here, so after about 1 1/2 hours we arrive. The first stop is at Marinkovac. Here we eat lunch that we cook on board, which by chance is almost the same fantastic food as yesterday. Swimming, snorkeling & enjoying life.
Feels like a little too small bay for night anchoring so we move on around the headland, only discovering afterwards that there was a way through...! Scissors between the bays & finally find a small charming me