Jenny blogs from the Atlantic
01 December 2014
Hello at home!
Anyone wondering what it's like to cross the Atlantic?! Is it just lukewarm, calm trade winds that move your boat slowly westward while you quietly sink into one of the ten classic novels you brought with you... Maybe not every day and night... Some days in the beginning were actually a bit dry with stomping cruises, seasickness lurking and eyes directed forward. You move broadly across the boat, zigzagging between boxes that are impossible to pull out on one bow but cheerfully go out and, oh, hit your lower leg on the other....
As late as this morning I woke up and thought I had spent the night in a dryer... thump... thump... But then suddenly the scene changes, the wind changes direction, flying fish pass by and the boat surfs forward at 10 knots... Yes, then it feels wonderful to sit with a cup of coffee and look forward, towards the horizon and watch the sunset. That's where we're going! The throbbing is forgotten... Trade winds and warm nights, well now we are there!
We're halfway there!
Let's go! Bye bye! Jenny