Linda sums up Atlantic sailing so far
09 December 2014
Ship and bike dear readers, Our journey with Miss Malin is now coming to an end. For three weeks, the crew has stayed together around the clock and become a fantastic team. Day and night we have worked in a small space, slept under a starry sky and laughed together. A journey that has taken us across the Atlantic using the wind, technology and the power of sail. During this period we have seen the sea and the horizon meet, the sun rising and setting on the horizon, dolphins and whales swimming along the side of the boat. An opportunity that I wish you all to experience.
Traveling on the open sea that is like a color palette, and not seeing land in sight has also meant a journey with reflection and thoughts about what is important in life but also enriched us with new experiences that we will remember for a long time to come. A journey to remember and well worth celebrating, with pizza and bubbly, we at Miss Malin Skepp och hoj say to all readers. We also want to take the opportunity to thank our wonderful and happy skippers. Without them we would not be here. Please continue to follow us, tomorrow there will be a new story from Miss Malin.
Have a good life and take advantage of the opportunities that appear in life! // Linda