Stefan - How hot it is
07 December 2014
Hi, this will be one of the biggest challenges of the day for me.
To go down from the deck where I finally found a place in the shade, to go down in the boat where it is now about 30 degrees and try to write something that might interest you. Anyway, anyway. The situation is good with all of us after almost 14 days together on the Atlantic. Our recurring topic of conversation at the moment is food, food and food. I don't know if I'll be able to eat chicken anymore after this trip, as it keeps coming up in our dinner menu.
Our fridge will soon be down to bacon and marmalade and the few remaining cans of coca cola are hard currency. When you look at the chart today where we are, it looks hopeful. Would think that we will arrive in a few days. I long so cruelly to sleep in a bed that stands still and does not creak as soon as you move. Otherwise, it does not happen so much more than that we put up and take down gennacks a few times a day. As I said. We are all in good spirits and completely focused on reaching our goal. Hope you are doing well at home in the cold.
I miss you my family a lot and especially you Maria. Greetings, Stefan Åhman